Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Dick Cordes of Suanhacky Lodge #49 brought to my attention several event patches from #49. Apparently the patch was ordered with four years (1989, 1990, 1991, and 1992) arranged around the 4 sides of the cut-edge patch. This allowed the lodge to place a single order and cut off the three years not used for a particular conclave. "Attached is an image of 3 Suanhacky Lodge event patches as the Blue Book 5 doesn't reflect the existence of eX1989. Perhaps the patches should be reflected as eX1989, eX1990, & eX1991. I have never come across the 1992 patch." I have a eX1990 in my collection which has the 1991 and 1992 strips taped to the patch, the 1990 is still attached, and the 1989 is gone. Does anyone have a 1992 version? Or did the Lodge run out after 1991 and not reorder?

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