Sunday, August 28, 2005


Nacha Nimat Lodge #86 2006 NOAC Issues Already!

While lodge #159 has is already seeling a 2006 NOAC set, they do not mention NOAC on the flaps. Now Nacha Nimat Lodge #86 has issued 3 two piece sets for the 2006 NOAC winning the earliest release of NOAc issues award. The sets were ordered by the lodge, paid by the council, but when the order came in, the bears seemed more like teddy bears and the black bear totem of the lodge. It is likely a different design will be forthcoming. Thanks to George Jenning for the info and scans. However, here are the BB stats for the 3 sets with a picture of the red bordered set. S20 RED R M/C LGY LGY FDL LGY 2006 bear picking apples w/X7 X7 RED R M/C - LGY LGY NOAC 2006 Sponsor MichiganState University w/S20 S21 LGY R M/C LGY LGY FDL LGY 2006 bear picking apples w/X8 X8 LGY R M/C - LGY LGY NOAC 2006 Sponsor MichiganState University w/S21 S22 GLD R M/C LGY LGY FDL LGY 2006 bear picking apples w/X9 X9 GLD R M/C - LGY LGY NOAC 2006 Sponsor MichiganState University w/S22

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